In the current context where we are facing many changes and a high level of uncertainty, there is a great need for knowledge, tools, concrete means to face the challenges they face.
Old mental patterns no longer work to find effective solutions to the problems that affect us.
The level of stress, suffering and burnout is high.
This has an impact on the individual, relational, family and professional levels.
The notion of insight is one of the essential elements of training and therapies.
I perceive insight as a moment of opening of consciousness that allows a new, broadened, sometimes systemic understanding of a situation, accompanied by positive emotions such as joy and enthusiasm.
It is these moments of insight that allow, in particular, to feel and understand the impact, the power of beliefs and mental patterns on behaviors and/or a new understanding of a problem. They also contribute to greater clarity of mind, creativity and the emergence of new ideas.
I put "feeling" beliefs deliberately, it is not a mistake on my part, because the awareness of the emotional part related to beliefs allows, on the one hand, to perceive and feel all the impact, as well as their transformations.
I think that this transformation is not mental but is the consequence of a kind of "flash" of understanding that is done at the level of consciousness and that it is in a second time that the mind intervenes to structure the experience.
It is an experience that generates a real transformation.
Verbalization, sharing of these insights generate between participants another type of connection, communication and unleash creativity.
Insight can occur at a wide variety of times: sometimes through a phrase, a word, an image, music, the use of techniques such as cognitive restructuring and divergent thinking, during a coffee break or during a walk in the forest.
According to my observations and feedback received from the participants, this experience allows a quick and successful implementation that encourages them to continue using the means that allowed them to find these solutions.
They have acquired new skills that continue to develop over time.
This produces lasting and beneficial results on several levels: individual, relational and organizational.
As a trainer our challenge is, on the one hand, to find the methods, exercises and debriefings that will generate these states and results.
On the other hand, the quality of presence plays an essential role.
Self-awareness, having experienced insights oneself and being on an inner path allow you to experience the benefits but also the meanders and possible resistances.
Theoretical knowledge is not sufficient for concrete and appropriate use.
Continuous personal work is a prerequisite for accompanying individuals and groups.
While we are aware that everyone has different experiences, there are commonalities that are expressed in different forms.
It is also necessary to accept to be transformed by the experiences of the participants.
This implies an evolution in the way of teaching and accompanying individuals and groups.
One of the current difficulties that I see is that neuroscience is leading to a radical paradigm shift, i.e. the way of thinking and behaving.
Quite often, I still observe the reflex of blaming, judging, criticizing, posing as a victim, accusing oneself, looking for a culprit when something goes wrong and, at the same time, the search for a savior to solve the situation.
While neuroscience can restore dignity and personal power, it also involves accountability.
In a culture, still often steeped in guilt, it can be difficult and take time to discern responsibility from guilt.
It also implies a huge loss of power for some as well as changes at many levels: individual, relational, organizational and others.
However, I think that atpresent, more and more people are open and eager to find another way of life.
The practical use of neuroscience is an important way to help people, regardless of the field in which they operate, take charge of their health, find their balance, manage emotions, unleash their creativity and develop compassion, respect, peace and joy.